Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Great Dahlia Massacre

You may remember my post from yesterday, indicating that there was some scrumptious stuff in the new soil in Mom's gardens. It's my absolute belief that no puppy should be expected to ignore said "stuff" in the dirt. So I didn't.

You'd think I killed someone...... or something..... well, actually I did. I mauled a few dahlias. Not all of them, just 20 or so. I couldn't believe my luck when I started digging in that dirt. There they were! These things that looked just like big turds! I was in Heaven. I just dug those things right out, ran around the yard with them hanging from my mouth, took a few bites of each one, and then spit them out! How was I supposed to know that they were my Mom's dahlia tubers???? I'd never even heard of a dahlia tuber! Why would someone name a turd a tuber???

Apparently Dad didn't care for my explanation of the facts. He explained to me that we were both in deep "dirt". He said he'd lay the groundwork with Mom by calling her at work to ask if she left some t-u-b-e-r-s laying around the yard. Well that went over like a lead balloon! She was pretty adamant that she hadn't. She also said that she went all the way to Vancouver to get those t-u-b-e-r-s from Grandma and Grandpa.

There really wasn't much I could do. I can't apologize because those t-u-b-e-r-s were SO tasty, and a puppy, such as myself, shouldn't be left alone with those things. I'll have to wait for Mom to get home to see if I'm going to get any dinner tonight. Maybe I'll just tell her that Dad did it.


  1. Buddy 1, dahlias 0

    I wonder who or what will be the next contender?

  2. Buddy, did you get dinner last night? Hard to imagine that your Mom and Dad would hold your puppiness against you.
