Cats. I have two of them. Or they have me, depending on who you ask.
They're both yellow and growl a lot. Buzz, the little one, meows a lot, too. It's pretty annoying, especially when he's meowing at me. I don't understand why cats don't want to play with me. Mom says it's because I "lunge" at them. I don't even know what "lunge" means, but it sounds disturbing.
All I want to do is play. Swat them around a little. Pull their tails. Eat their food. I sound like the typical brother, don't I? But no, I get yelled at everytime I try to do one of those things. Yesterday Mom got low blood sugar and tried to feed my food to the cats. No one yelled at her, though!! It's hard being a puppy.
BTW, I graduate from kindergarten tonight! I'm so excited! I've been practicing my "roll-overs" for my graduation trick. I'm getting really good at it, too! I'll let you know how the graduation ceremony goes. Usually all of us puppies end up in a pile biting each other. I hope that's what happens tonight!!
Gotta go. Have a ruff day!
Buddy, if Mom and Dad ever get too irritated with you, you can come and live with Uncle Tom and me and play with our three dogs and FOUR cats. Unfortunately, our cats won't like you, either. But you already know how much fun it is to play with Rowdy, Ruby and Maggie and eat stuff that you find outside and that makes you throw up.