Monday, August 30, 2010

The Perfect Host

I like to think that I'm the perfect host. If it's a hot day, I share my pool. If it's a cold day, I share my blanket. Mostly, though, I like to share meals with my guests. Mom and Dad say that's not the way it's supposed to work, but I am, afterall, the one whose opinion counts!

Last night our friends, Bob and Debra Johnson, came over for dinner. It was a lovely meal, with barbecued salmon, a green bean and corn salad, a vegetable casserole and a lovely dessert with pound cake and raspberries. It went perfectly with my dog food appetizer. A small helping of raspberry sherbet cleansed my pallet, and then my breath was fresh enough to kiss everybody.

Best of all, the cats got locked in the bedroom while we had guests. Mom doesn't want anyone to know that the cats jump (ie: sleep) on our dining room table, so we hide them when people are over for dinner. It seems a bit dishonest to me, but as long as the cats are miserable - I'm happy!

Gotta go. Have a ruff day!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good Lookin Dog

I have to say - I am one good looking dog. People stop my Dad all the time to tell him that. Even when Dad is spitting mad because I'm not minding him, people still say "Yeah, but he sure is good looking."

What I don't understand is what makes a dog good looking. Is it my beautiful chocolate brown color? My chiseled nose? Perhaps the way the hair on my rump goes in circles. Maybe it's the fact that I have wavy hair and gold eyes.

Or could it be my special way of turning a phrase? The girls seem to love that. Whenever I bark at them, they melt. (Mom says that's what they're really doing when they try to bite me!) My humility no doubt helps, too.

Whatever it is, I'm happy to be handsome!

Gotta go. Have a ruff day!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cats are Disgusting

I told everyone the other day about how the cats can't swim in my pool because they have germs. Well, here's the proof. Buzz has been hacking and coughing for the past 3 weeks, so Mom took him to the vet. She and Dad were afraid that their best pet (moi!) would get sick too.

The vet gave Buzz a shot of antibirotics (I think it keeps cats from rotting), and gave him a bunch of pills to take, too. Now, Mom and Dad are pretty good about putting pills into these really snazzy tasting pill-pockets. I just gobble them down!! But Buzz wouldn't eat them. The dumb cat doesn't even know a good thing when he has it. So Mom had to jam the pills down Buzz's throat, making them both miserable.

Then, the worst part was that Buzz was so sleepy from the medicine and from being sick, that he got to use my BABY BED!!!! I don't fit in it anymore, but it was still MINE! He's now been sleeping in it 27 or 28 hours every day. What a drama queen. You'd think he was an invalid or something. At least he's stopped hacking on everyone, though.

But...... you guessed it....... now Scrub is starting to cough. Great. One more spoiled cat to put up with.

Better go! Have a ruff day!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Own Swimming Pool

It's been crazy hot in Bellingham lately. Not that I'm complaining, but this coat of mine isn't removable. (Note to self: get shaved next summer.) Anyway, Mom went out and bought a swimming pool for me.

It's great fun! I jump in, splash around, drink some of the water and then chase around the yard like a bat outta hell for a few minutes. Then I jump back in. See how that works?

Nobody else can get into my pool unless I say so. My cousin, Sam, can get in because I really like him. The pool is strictly off limits to the cats, though. They're vicious creatures. And they're full of germs. I don't want germs in my pool.

Every night, Mom fills the watering can up with water from my pool - about 10 times! That's how much water it takes to water our dahlias. What's that? Oh yeah. Mom wants to point out that I dug up most of the dahlia tubers, but the ones that survived are still in shock and need lots of water. When she gets done watering the dahlias, she pours out all of the dirty water from my pool and fills it with fresh water.

I'm the luckiest dog in the world!!

Gotta go! Have a ruff day!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Puppy Jail

Mom says my pestosterone level was supposed to go down after I got fixed. She doesn't think it worked. In the past couple of weeks I've chewed up some shoes. She got to get brand new ones, though, so you'd think she'd be happy about it!

I dug one TINY hole under the fence so the cats could get in and out without having to climb over the fence. I was trying to do them a favor. But NO, I got in trouble. Darn cats.

And Dad's car needed that remodeling. It looked too perfect. Now, with the hand brake chewed up, and the gear shift having some nice bite marks, it looks better than ever. I admit that I chewed the insulation off some wires under the dashboard, but I didn't touch the wires themselves. I'm too smart for that!!

So this is what's led to my latest predicament. I'm now a dog behind bars. Someone help me!!!
I better go before the warden gets back. Have a ruff day!
Buddy (#00316)