Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Own Swimming Pool

It's been crazy hot in Bellingham lately. Not that I'm complaining, but this coat of mine isn't removable. (Note to self: get shaved next summer.) Anyway, Mom went out and bought a swimming pool for me.

It's great fun! I jump in, splash around, drink some of the water and then chase around the yard like a bat outta hell for a few minutes. Then I jump back in. See how that works?

Nobody else can get into my pool unless I say so. My cousin, Sam, can get in because I really like him. The pool is strictly off limits to the cats, though. They're vicious creatures. And they're full of germs. I don't want germs in my pool.

Every night, Mom fills the watering can up with water from my pool - about 10 times! That's how much water it takes to water our dahlias. What's that? Oh yeah. Mom wants to point out that I dug up most of the dahlia tubers, but the ones that survived are still in shock and need lots of water. When she gets done watering the dahlias, she pours out all of the dirty water from my pool and fills it with fresh water.

I'm the luckiest dog in the world!!

Gotta go! Have a ruff day!



  1. Enjoy that pool, Buddy! We have a pool, but it is supposed to be for kids only. I like to jump in though with muddy paws. It really causes an uproar!

  2. You are one lucky dog, Buddy. We have two ponds that we love to swim in. Unfortunately, we're not supposed to go there since they are not in our yard but we love swimming so much, we go anyway. Maybe that's why our Mom and Dad make us stay in the kennel most of the time. It's very sad. Maybe some day we can come visit you and play in your pool. Love, your cousins, Rowdy, Ruby and Maggie.
