I told everyone the other day about how the cats can't swim in my pool because they have germs. Well, here's the proof. Buzz has been hacking and coughing for the past 3 weeks, so Mom took him to the vet. She and Dad were afraid that their best pet (moi!) would get sick too.
The vet gave Buzz a shot of antibirotics (I think it keeps cats from rotting), and gave him a bunch of pills to take, too. Now, Mom and Dad are pretty good about putting pills into these really snazzy tasting pill-pockets. I just gobble them down!! But Buzz wouldn't eat them. The dumb cat doesn't even know a good thing when he has it. So Mom had to jam the pills down Buzz's throat, making them both miserable.
Then, the worst part was that Buzz was so sleepy from the medicine and from being sick, that he got to use my BABY BED!!!! I don't fit in it anymore, but it was still MINE! He's now been sleeping in it 27 or 28 hours every day. What a drama queen. You'd think he was an invalid or something. At least he's stopped hacking on everyone, though.
But...... you guessed it....... now Scrub is starting to cough. Great. One more spoiled cat to put up with.
Better go! Have a ruff day!
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