This blog is going to get political. Apparently it's something that humans do. I thought it would be inappropriate, but Mom explained how it could affect me too.
We're boycotting a place called Arizona. You see, some of our friends and neighbors are of hispanic descent. I didn't know that. People all look alike to me. In Arizona, though, anyone who looks "different" can be stopped by the police. Police are like dogcatchers for people. (No disrespect intended. We LIKE police!)
Mom says that it would be like if the dogcatcher could pick up my friend Komo just because he's an Akita instead of a lab. Who knew they could tell the difference? The only way I can tell is because of his smell. Do people smell each other, too?
I don't know what I'd do if I went to Arizona and the police picked up my elephant because he's not native to this country. Elephant is my very best friend. He was born here and everything. He's been here longer than me!! He can't help that he's blue instead of chocolate-colored!
So, Arizona, we won't be visiting until you get rid of that stupid law. PHTPHPHH!!!!!!!
Gotta go! Have a ruff day!
Buddy, I think this is your mom's blog today!
ReplyDeleteBuddy, let your mom know that I am going to cancel her boycott. I will buycott Arizona and do everything I can to support their terrific law. Those police can't just stop people because they look different. People have to do something stupid, then the police can ask question. I LOVE AZ!