I'm taking over today! Buddy gets too much attention. Now it's my turn.
My life has been turned upside down since that dumb dog came to live with us. He gets his own blog, he plays with the camera, he goes to school..... What do I get? Dry cat food.
The picture he published of me was horrible. I am not some bug-eyed creature. Look at how cute I was before he got here. Wasn't I adorable??? Note: picture on left - before dog. Picture in center - after dog. Picture on right - dog. Which paints a happier picture to you? Remember, cats LIKE to sleep. It's HARD to sleep with a dog breathing down your neck.
Mom assures me that she's still a cat person. I think that Dad is, too. Better go before the dog catches me with the computer.
Love to All!!!!
Buzz, you need to come and visit us, your cousins in Goldendale. We get wet food. We also get birds and mice which thrills our mom just so long as we don't try to bring them in the house (not that we ever get invited into the house - we have to sneak in).
Lucy, Eva, Fox and Gretchen