The Rileys even have a great place to live. There are cougars and dogs and cats and monkeys (ahem!) in Goldendale, where they live. (Mom says the monkey reference has something to do with Aunt Debbie.) They have a friendly dog named Nora, who I'm sure would be completely overwhelmed by my exceptional good looks and humility. Then there's a cat named Olive. Mom says Olive could take me in a fight, but I can't imagine that. And last, but not least, there's Corbin's cat, Trigger. Trigger looks just like my cats, but I'm sure he's much friendlier. (There couldn't be more unfriendly, vicious cats than Scrub and Buzz. They won't even play with me!)
Mom says that maybe Corbin and Evan and Ella can come to visit us sometime. They could even bring their parents!! Then they could all go on a ferry ride, but I wouldn't be able to go. That's because on the other end of the ferry ride, there's all kinds of shopping. I'm not much of a shopper. The ferry ride would be the bomb, though. Water is super fun!!!
I can't wait to meet the Rileys. I'm sure they'll love me.
Gotta go! Have a ruff day!
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