Now I'm grounded! Gees, Mom. I just wanted to know! I didn't do anything wrong. What? What do you mean I'm not getting my allowance for the next 3 months?
You just wait! I'm going to run away! What? Oh. That's right. We have a fence. I'll dig my way out!
This isn't fair! I don't like you! What? It's dinner time. Oh. OK. Never mind. Kiss. Kiss.
(I'm still not happy, though.)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Inquiring Minds Want To Know
I'm having a problem with my mother. It's something that happens to us teenage dogs. Every month I get my copy of Dog's Life magazine in the mail. It's fun to read the articles and look at the pictures, but they're starting to all seem alike.
My cousin, Sam, told me about a different magazine called Stayboy. Mom flipped out when I asked her if I could get a prescription for it. What? Oh. Ok. I guess that's a "subscription". (Dad is helping me write the blog today.) Anyway, she said that Stayboy is owned by an old hound dog named Pugh Ruffner, from down in Doggywood, Calipornia. Right off the bat, this seemed etceptionally prejudicial from my unusually openminded mom. I see no problem with hounds. Do you???
So I checked into it further. Stayboy is a gentlemen's magazine that has a few pictures of French Poodles and Pomeranians. Mostly, though, teenage male dogs like to read it for the educational articles. What? Oh. Ok. (Dad says to hurry up because mom will be back in a minute!) I don't know what Mom's problem is with this educational masterpiece, but she adsolutely refuses to buy it for me. Dad's not much of a help either. He's says this isn't the sword he's willing to die on. Whatever.
Cousin Sam says that some dogs have stashes of these magazines hidden in their doghouses. If you know anyone who's interested in getting rid of a few of those, please have them contact me here on my blog. I have some kibbles saved up from my allowance. I'm willing to part with a few of them just to find out what the big deal is about Stayboy.
Oh! Hi, Mom!!! Kiss. Kiss.
(Gotta go. Have a ruff day.)
My cousin, Sam, told me about a different magazine called Stayboy. Mom flipped out when I asked her if I could get a prescription for it. What? Oh. Ok. I guess that's a "subscription". (Dad is helping me write the blog today.) Anyway, she said that Stayboy is owned by an old hound dog named Pugh Ruffner, from down in Doggywood, Calipornia. Right off the bat, this seemed etceptionally prejudicial from my unusually openminded mom. I see no problem with hounds. Do you???
So I checked into it further. Stayboy is a gentlemen's magazine that has a few pictures of French Poodles and Pomeranians. Mostly, though, teenage male dogs like to read it for the educational articles. What? Oh. Ok. (Dad says to hurry up because mom will be back in a minute!) I don't know what Mom's problem is with this educational masterpiece, but she adsolutely refuses to buy it for me. Dad's not much of a help either. He's says this isn't the sword he's willing to die on. Whatever.
Cousin Sam says that some dogs have stashes of these magazines hidden in their doghouses. If you know anyone who's interested in getting rid of a few of those, please have them contact me here on my blog. I have some kibbles saved up from my allowance. I'm willing to part with a few of them just to find out what the big deal is about Stayboy.
Oh! Hi, Mom!!! Kiss. Kiss.
(Gotta go. Have a ruff day.)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Rileys
The Rileys even have a great place to live. There are cougars and dogs and cats and monkeys (ahem!) in Goldendale, where they live. (Mom says the monkey reference has something to do with Aunt Debbie.) They have a friendly dog named Nora, who I'm sure would be completely overwhelmed by my exceptional good looks and humility. Then there's a cat named Olive. Mom says Olive could take me in a fight, but I can't imagine that. And last, but not least, there's Corbin's cat, Trigger. Trigger looks just like my cats, but I'm sure he's much friendlier. (There couldn't be more unfriendly, vicious cats than Scrub and Buzz. They won't even play with me!)
Mom says that maybe Corbin and Evan and Ella can come to visit us sometime. They could even bring their parents!! Then they could all go on a ferry ride, but I wouldn't be able to go. That's because on the other end of the ferry ride, there's all kinds of shopping. I'm not much of a shopper. The ferry ride would be the bomb, though. Water is super fun!!!
I can't wait to meet the Rileys. I'm sure they'll love me.
Gotta go! Have a ruff day!
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