Have any of you ever heard of geocaching? It's this great sport where you use a paw-held GPS, and go hunting for caches. Caches are like treasure chests.
When Mom and Dad were in Maupin, Aunt Debbie came down to see me. She and I went geocaching, and we let Mom come, too. Since it was my first time caching, Aunt Debbie thought it would be appropriate to find "The Pointer's Cache". I don't know why she liked that name, though. The only pointing that gets done around me is when I do something wrong - like when Mom asks who chewed up her good shoes, and Dad says "He did it!" and points at me!
Anyway, we went way, way, way (uber far) down this gravel road. I thought we were going to bust a tire. Finally, we got out of the car and started walking on a trail. Then all of a sudden, Mom and Aunt Debbie got really excited and said we were close. Sure enough, we found this big metal box that had all kinds of good stuff in it. We signed our names on a paper that was in the box, and then Mom and Aunt Debbie stole something out of it! I guess it was OK, though, because they put something else in to replace what they took. They said those are the rules. (I don't know if I believe them, though. It seemed kind of sneaky to me!)
I can't wait to go geocaching again. I want to find a dog treat cache. Mom says that when I meet Aunt Barb and Aunt Cindy, we'll be able to go. She says that Aunt Barb is the geocache queen!!!
Gotta go! Have a ruff day!